What's the difference between a hoe, a grocery and Airbnb? / Qual a diferença entre uma enxada,
There is a hotel in Florence that is the ideal place for those who want to find their purpose in life and change the world. Yes, that’s...

Press release - Earn money by practicing meditation / Ganhe Dinheiro Praticando Meditação
Why a new cryptocurrency platform can reshape the economy and society From the effervescent blockchain scene, a new crypto-platform has...

TECHFEST Munich 2017 - unfolding tremendous potential
Over the weekend, I joined www.techfestmunich.com/17. A hackathon that brought together over a hundred specialists in robotics,...

Thinking Big! A Vision of 2030 / Pensando Grande! Uma visão de 2030
Recently I had the fantastic opportunity of participating as a volunteer of the Singularity University Summit Berlin. A truly mind...

Connecting ideas can be a piece of Cake/ Conectar ideias pode ser moleza.
For over a year I've been a member of the Impact Hub Munich, an exciting coworking space that has more than 80 offices around the world....

Good design to promote water / Bom design para promover água
Good news! I won the SWM design contest. Carrying out this contest, SWM aims to inspire people to reduce the consumption of plastic...

To unfold simple solutions is the magic of design thinking / Enxergar as soluções simples é a mágic
More and more people have realized that Design Thinking is an excellent tool to solve complex problems. Understanding and seeing the...

A easy way to improve the UX / Uma forma fácil the aperfeiçoar a experiência do usuário.
There is no doubt about that, by improving the user experience we bring value to products, services, to the brand, to the company and so...

Idea Design sketches / Esboços de Design de Ideias
I've been talking with many people in the Impact HUB Munich who want to start their own business, something with a valuable proposal,...

Learnings from the book: ReWork / Aprendizados do livro ReWork
Some books have the instantaneous power for upgrading ourselves. Some books just reinforce and make it more clear what we already know....